Monday, 16 May 2016

Manners maketh a man; what about the woman?

Manners maketh a man. Charity begins at home.

I don't know why i kept parrotting these age-old adages in my mind until i could no longer hold back but had to ink it in black and white.

It's a small world. I am impressed. More so, by the impressions made by a few small minds.

Myopic attitude by a high myope,  if i have to sound euphemistic and precise, both at the same time. How would one react if one were to bump into a college senior, albeit an acquaintance? I have a great memory, touchwood! I could recall right upto her name.

And there she acts - as if she has never ever seen me. Speaks for her poor memory - still acceptable; while I'm running my mental search engine, matching the features of those unmistakably popping eyes...I remember every detail of the eyes, bcos I'm an eye mechanic you see! ;) I ask her college of graduation and Madame says - - -. Now i know!!! Then i ask her a leading question, "MBBS from...?" ! She had to blurt out, "KMC". There, I gotcha! I am sneering in wicked mirth! ;)

Then i try to find out if my first impression (made more than a decade ago) still holds true. Nudge her with another question, about her PG college. Now, that's a mofussil centre. No wonder she chose to say - - - to my very first question. One's formative years are the MBBS days - the memories of those six years you carry all along proudly.

Hahaha.. well, people never change.  And first impressions seldom do.  The inferiority complex, guised as a pseudo-superiority complex, stays put!

Now, the best part comes when I ask her something related to baking my clay. She seems to suffer from selective auditory impairment. Wait, is it selective auditory processing? Maybe, we'll have to put her through some functional MRI studies. Good for her that I am thinking of fMRI - no radiation exposure. Well, you see she is already handling too much of radiation!
She left without an element of elementary courtesy. God, why don't some people grow? Small minds! Do manners really maketh a man? What of the woman? The woman was already made! ;) Move on, I say(to myself).

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Single ladies and armchair daters, this one is for y'all!

What's on my mind? Some random thoughts for my single lady-friends.

You may be the no-nonsense girl but expect your man to be "the man". He cannot be an armchair dater. You know what i mean by that! 

Happy with Whatsapping, wants you to come over to some place closer to his workplace not because it is an extraordinarily mushy place but bcos it saves his petrol costs; wants you to pay for the date bcos you chose the place and the menu (Yes, I am old-fashioned). Isn't he supposed to be a gentleman wooing you? He is not expected to sleep through the date, for you are not looking for the frustrated insomniac.  If he suddenly gets busy with his appointments, do remind him that you have better jobs (better paying, as well) than does Mr.Busy. 

P.S: Please do not extrapolate any of the above gyaan to my personal life. If you do, rest assured that you will get a piece of my mind, absolutely free! ;) :Pwink emoticontongue emoticon