Tuesday 9 October 2018

My sea poppies! ;)

Let me share with you what was the inspiration behind the painting with a "rustic soul". It has a rather unsophisticated feel to it. That is exactly what was on my mind when I decided to do that. I had just then read a poem by HD - the woman poet, who made a name for herself amidst all odds.
"your stalk has caught root 
among wet pebbles
and drift flung by the sea
and grated shells
and split conch-shells.
Beautiful, wide- spread,
fire upon leaf,
what meadow yields
so fragrant a leaf
as your bright leaf?"
No sugar-daddies; no one to help when she fell down, no one to nurse the bruises, no one to hold her hand and put her on the stage. She did all by herself; by her sheer grit and perseverence. No one she buttered. No one nurtured her. She grew on rough turf; yet, she did it! Bloomed amidst the rugged terrains weathering every bad weather, every storm that battered her existence; every (backstabbing) knife that tried to slash her spirit; walked through every negative word that was wrongly spread; resisting and breaking through every vicious force trying to subdue her.
The fruit of labour against such odds is invaluable. Nothing can beat the beauty exuded by the sweat on the brow. Nothing can equal the joy that comes from such painstakingly achieved rewards.
N you can see how it looks from the outside - idyllic sea poppies in a bucolic setting!! You don't see the pain behind but yes, I can see you already envying the surreal beauty that is unsurpassed!
Life is like that! Be yourself. you don't need meadows to bloom. Bloom and radiate happiness wherever you are. :) 

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Learning at 33!!

How I love learning a new language!!!

N especially, when the teacher(one of my students) is so passionate about his mother tongue, and about every other language he knows!!

And, I am just loving this calligraphy....Excited!!! 

Saturday 22 September 2018

Hare Ram Hare Ram!

OK, the disclaimer comes first. No religious offences.
Today is an auspicious day in the Hindu calendar..the Purattasi Sanikkizhamai!
I wake up to my own clock(don't ask me the time!  ) ticking the hours towards my beauty sleep, after a late night - answering students' queries.
I hear claps, really loud voices out of sync, and some devotional music. OK..that's my neighbors in action... immersed in religious fervor. The noise plus the nauseating smell of their cheap frankincense pervades into my house... Enough to precipitate the migraine I dread! OK OK..these are times of intolerance, right? Happy the nay-sayers to achche din? 
There is something evades my level of understanding. We don't help neighbors in need; we don't smile at them; when we can`t put up with their unobtrusive way of living(by which I mean, no maids, no gossip  ; we harangue them with unwanted advice even at the lamest opportunity.... But on certain auspicious days, we seem to transcend to that euphoric state chanting the Divine name, singing His praise wanting to get into His good books..but to what use? When you are intolerant enough to bang the door shut when thy neighbor innocuously walks past to buy a packet of milk!
I was still not in a frame of mind to sing His praise..no, not yet.. had not had my morning coffee..and am always crabby until my first cup of caffeine! 
So, I come back, brewed my hot cuppa and sat down to block the external voices(noises), tuned in to the radio..Lo n behold.. ~ Hare Ram Hare Ram from Bhool Bhulaiya!
Whatta life! Karma, huh!!! Hare Ram Hare Ram!!!  

Monday 9 July 2018

The Orb of Reflection

I drew this water drop just to practise my strokes and blending techniques.

At the end, when I took a look at it, it stood there as the orb of reflection!

So I had to reflect!!! ;)

Isn't each one of us just a vanishing drop in this theatre called life?

Just as the drop significantly contributes to the mighty ocean, it disappears in the ocean's vastness reducing itself to an insignificant nothing.

I am reminded of an incident where someone laughed "at" me when something went wrong..just a technical fault. He obviously imagined that I made myself a laughing stock in front of everyone!

I repeat the episode once the snag is set right. Why no ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ now?

Where did the previous ROFLs disappear after that, Mr.MCP? That is you.. the insignificant nothing!!

If you simply laughed for the sake of mirth, the ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ should have remained!!!

Why fight n compare yourself with others? Attitude, of the insecure MCP!!! Why let the green-eyed monster rear its head? ๐Ÿค”

My only answer to you is: Neighbor's envy, owner's pride!!! Heehaha

"Imagine yourself as a drop." Do your bit because you are bound to disappear!

Nothing is insignificant. I take note of everything. At the same time, you are definitely insignificant, indefinitely!!๐Ÿ™„