Monday, 9 July 2018

The Orb of Reflection

I drew this water drop just to practise my strokes and blending techniques.

At the end, when I took a look at it, it stood there as the orb of reflection!

So I had to reflect!!! ;)

Isn't each one of us just a vanishing drop in this theatre called life?

Just as the drop significantly contributes to the mighty ocean, it disappears in the ocean's vastness reducing itself to an insignificant nothing.

I am reminded of an incident where someone laughed "at" me when something went wrong..just a technical fault. He obviously imagined that I made myself a laughing stock in front of everyone!

I repeat the episode once the snag is set right. Why no πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ now?

Where did the previous ROFLs disappear after that, Mr.MCP? That is you.. the insignificant nothing!!

If you simply laughed for the sake of mirth, the πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ should have remained!!!

Why fight n compare yourself with others? Attitude, of the insecure MCP!!! Why let the green-eyed monster rear its head? πŸ€”

My only answer to you is: Neighbor's envy, owner's pride!!! Heehaha

"Imagine yourself as a drop." Do your bit because you are bound to disappear!

Nothing is insignificant. I take note of everything. At the same time, you are definitely insignificant, indefinitely!!πŸ™„


  1. Yes finally!!!
    I have never attended your lecture as you don't come to Delhi 😐 but I've been ardently following your FB posts. Admire your personality. I am a fanπŸ’

    1. Awwwww, sweetheart you are, Vasudha! :) Main Dilli ki hi hoon..It has been a decade since I moved to Delhi for studies and work. Half the time I am there only, even now! ;)
