Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Yours rightfully, the Bada$$!


Looking at the past is sometimes useful to see how far you have come and how struggles never cease; also, how they never can stop you from moving on.

This one was again from high school. I had delivered a Republic Day speech the previous academic year. It was a memorable one, in my lifetime..the first standing ovation I ever received. The success was a team effort. I wrote the speech but the perfect delivery was ensured by Appaa, Sister Kamala(who trusted Appaa), Sister Mary Lobo, Mrs.Rachael, Mrs.Rebecca who were there to correct and appreciate all through the rehearsals. 

Then came the Independence day speech in August. The criterion for selection was whoever "wrote" the best essay gets to deliver the speech. 

My essay won. But I wasn't called for the rehearsal. Someone else was. I went and asked the teacher who was organising. She said indifferently,  "I have given your essay to my student. Every year, you can't be the one to speak." 


"Miss, You can't give one criterion and then do a volte face just because it is me again. Moreover, you cannot give away my essay to someone else without my permission. You can ask your student to give the speech but not using mine". I had no clue of Intellectual Property then in the 90s. I did not have  the backing of my own class teacher who always called me budhdhu infront of the class that I had already stopped talking to her. She was non-existent to me!🙄 I never let negative people stay around me. 

This post is again about claiming what is rightfully yours and not worry about being bullied. Keep negativity at bay. Never mind if people call you bada$$! 

P.s. Mind you, all this was between females. Females can be the detractors to their own flock. And even if not, others try the "divide n rule" to let the cats do the in-fighting! 😂🤣

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