Written on 16-Oct-2014
How many of us have been taught, "Honesty is the best policy"? All of us. How many of us have learnt it? And yet, how many have imbibed it?
To have imbibed it, charity should have begun at home. Yes, what we are is a reflection of what our parents have been. Our fathers(and mothers) shine through us.
Not one to randomly cast aspersions on anyone's integrity, I would only reiterate that "the child is the father of the man". As a child, one's father is the invisible piper and the ubiquitous potter.
The question that emerges is why are there people with dishonest, deviant mentalities? How do people emerge with eccentric dimensions and deviations? Just as light gets refracted at an interface, the law of Nature ensures that one's thoughts and attributes become altered as one confronts varied situations. Altered to take "the path of least resistance". Life is indeed a prism! Lends a plethora of colors to paint our masks and hypocritic cloaks.
Coming back to honesty, this imminently brutal honesty is meant to relieve one from bad karmas and repeated births. The irony, however, is that it unleashes its brutality on the beholder, repeatedly in the same birth. Thus, it spares him from repeated births. What kinda "kind" brutality!!!
I am brutally honest, to myself. Yes, it is destructive only to me, never to thee. I am honest to my family, friends, colleagues, whoever, wherever. It hurts when the repercussions boomerang. Nevertheless, I am not complaining. It annihilates the burden I will have to carry. I have no heavy baggages. Just a light buoyant bundle, exulting in the language of joy:)
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